preserving_your_wedding_accessoriesYour wedding day is one of the most important, special and memorable days of your life – It is no wonder that many women want to keep their wedding dress and accessories to commemorate their big day. Once the wedding dress has been worn, it’s best to have your dress professionally preserved so that it can be put away for safe keeping.

But what do you do with your special wedding accessories? The good news is that you can preserve these items as well.

Here are three tips for preserving your wedding accessories:

Tip #1: Seek the Advice of Professionals

Accessories, such as veils, rings cushions, gloves and shawls, are an important part of your overall look on the big day. Therefore, they will hold fond memories and you will want to make sure that the correct procedures are used to preserve them correctly. The best way of doing this is to use a professional preservation company. It is likely that you will use a professional service to preserve your wedding dress, so it makes to do the same with your accessories. Not only will they know the most appropriate preservation methods for each of your accessories, they will also be able to give you advice about storage and care of your items. In fact, professional wedding gown preservation services often have packages so that you can get a set number of accessories preserved at the same time as our gown.

Tip #2: Store Each Accessory Separately

It is better to store each accessory separately. This is especially the case if the accessories are different colors, as it is important to take steps to prevent dye from one accessory transferring to another. Storing each accessory separately also prevents items from misshaping each other if they are packed too closely. It is best to wrap each item individually in acid-free tissue paper and keep them in acid-free boxes. This will greatly reduce the risk of the items becoming damaged.

Tip #3: Keep Out of Direct Sunlight

Another good tip for preserving wedding accessories is to store them out of direct sunlight. Sunlight may cause fading or discoloration of fabrics. Dark, dry places are the best places to keep your accessories once you have wrapped them and put them in boxes. Ideal places include under the bed or in the closet. If you have had your wedding accessories preserved by a professional service, they should give you advice about the best places to store your precious items.

With the help of hiring a professional and following these tips, there is no reason why they should not last you a lifetime. This means you will be able to recreate vivid memories of your wedding day every time you seem them for the rest of your life.

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Photo credit: Andrew Morrell Photography / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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