wedding dress cleaning vs wedding dress preservationOf all the dresses that a woman will wear in her lifetime, her wedding dress is the most important. No other gown will hold greater significance or have the capacity to make her feel so special.

This is one of many reasons why it is important to have your wedding gown professionally preserved. Far different from simply having your dress cleaned, wedding dress preservation protects the delicate fabrics of your gown from damages that are commonly caused by humidity, substandard storage environments and time. 

The Limitations Of Wedding Dress Cleaning

Wedding dress cleaning services are far different from wedding dress preservation. These treatments are only meant to address the signs of wear that have developed on the day that the dress was worn. Professionals who render these services can eliminate spots, mend frayed areas and give the gown a fresh, wrinkle-free appearance. While your gown will look brand new after having a professional cleaning, it is not guaranteed to stay this way for long.

Over the years, a dress that has not been professionally preserved will begin to degrade in appearance through:

  • The oxidation of both visible and invisible stains.
  • Plastic fumes that are off-gassed by storage bags.
  • Permanent creases through poor storage techniques.

Why Wedding Gown Preservation Is Preferable

Wedding dress preservation is a far more comprehensive method for keeping your gown in optimal condition. With a qualified team of seamstresses and tailors on board, wedding gown preservation specialists will work to restore your gown to its former glory by eliminating stains and other issues. After the cleaning and restoration process has been completed, various steps will be taken to protect the gown from humidity, changing temperature levels and time. The special cleaning and packaging techniques that are used will ensure that your gown maintains its original appeal throughout the years.

The preservation process will:

  • Protect your gown against the yellowing that often occurs during the aging process.
  • Prevent fabric deterioration.
  • Eliminate invisible stains that can cause permanent damage over time.

The Packaging Process For Wedding Gown Preservation

From end to end, the wedding dress preservation process is far more beneficial than standard cleaning procedures. Given that plastic wrap from dry cleaning companies can off-gas harmful fumes, this method of housing a gown after removing stains will usually do more harm than good. In fact, it is this plastic that is often responsible for the yellowing of delicate dress fabrics. The chemical fumes that are emitted by this plastic are trapped in with the dress and will slowly break down the material. Although many brides are diligent in getting their dresses cleaned, many of them make the mistake of never taking their gowns out of the plastic that cleaning companies wrap them in.

With wedding dress preservation services you will get:

  • All the packing and shipping materials that are needed for the round-trip transport of your dress.
  • Special tape for highlighting areas that need to be treated for stains.
  • 100% organic cleaning processes.
  • A white-gloss or silver preservation chest.
  • Acid-free tissue.
  • Email updates concerning the status of your dress throughout the cleaning and preservation process.

When it comes to preserving wedding memories, keeping your wedding dress in top condition is essential. This gown can be passed on to others or simply viewed when you are ready to reminisce. Wedding dress preservation services go far beyond mere stain removal. Unlike dress cleaning, these processes are designed to guard your gown against the ravages of time.

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Photo credit: Jin.Dongjun / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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